Starting from scratch, how does my *BEGINNER* AB skin routine look?

No idea what your skin is like, OP, but my skin reacted in angry welts when I tried to introduce too many actives too frequently and too soon. Unless you have extremely hardy skin, it really is best to start introducing ONE active (Vit C, AHA, BHA) at a time and to introduce it slowly, and only after your skin is used to the first active then introduce the second one, etc. Of course you can do what you wish, but there are many tales of woe on this sub of people who introduced all the actives at once and then wondered why their faces were colonized by welts and acne and other not-fun things.

And then depending on how your skin reacts to the actives, you might find yourself needing to add a hydrating layer of essence/serum, but this is something to be evaluated later as you see how your skin does with actives.

Finally, as has been said, patch testing and isolation testing really are important in order to figure out whether a certain product is working with your skin or not. I've been using AB skincare for a year and a half and have restarted my routine from scratch so that I can better learn what products are truly working for my skin versus what products might be irritating it. Even if you scrap patch testing, isolation testing (introducing only one new product at a time for say a week or two) really is important, even though it's not fun. Granted, not everyone on this sub does it, but it only takes one bad reaction from a product to make one wish that she or he had isolation tested from the beginning.

I speak from experience on both counts, and yes, I wasn't new to washing my face or to having a skincare routine pre-AB either.

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