Starting to think I might not be straight

I should start out by saying I'm bi.

Biphobia made it easy to ignore my sexuality. If I had strong feelings towards the other gender, it was romantic; if those strong feelings were towards the same gender, it was a very strong friendship. It took me a long time to recognize that some of my "super close friends" were actually just "same gender crushes." And then I was like...I actually feel the same way towards some "friends" than I did with my ex-partners.

And I realized, I was actually bi. I should say, admiring someone, having a crush on them, or platonic love can all feel very similar - but they're not the same. And it's worth thinking about whether you're classifying a certain relationship in one of those boxes because of the way you truly feel or because of the way others view your relationship to that person. That's where the distinction is truly visible.

/r/AskLGBT Thread