Starting Warlock: Voidwalker vs Sunsinger (PvP)

Ah, the sunsinger fan club. If you're better than a group of friends then I'm assuming you are decent at landing headshots. The magic of the entire warlock class is the blink. Once you get used to the spacing of it you can outplay anything, even if someone runs up on you while you're looking down a sniper scope. The homing grenade is nice for that one that almost got away, and nova bomb looks badass, but really for someone who is already good at fps in general those abilities don't need to be used much more often than they come up naturally. With the sunbro you can run around leaving a lot of noise and sparks in your wake, use your buffs to survive a bit longer and put out a lot of damage while you spray away at the opposing team. It can be just as effective, you can still get a lot of kills, and it still takes skill; it also doesn't demand a terribly high level of accuracy to use well enough to do ok. You can aim for the legs and still get at least a few kills if you are also slinging every bell and whistle suns have, which is why bad players sometimes gravitate towards that class even though there are plenty of pro-level sunbros. I've been voidwalker almost exclusively and I all but stopped playing the story completely in leu of pvp. Even at lvl 5 a scout rifle with decent scope & mag size + sniper rifle with same requirements it wasn't all that difficult to keep a positive kda and a score somewhere in the teams top 3, and that's with the painfully slow glide-jump. All this to say - if you think a few additional buffs and grenades shits on having a blink + additional instakill super you probably suck. What's worse is that if you can't outplay someone who can't teleport by fucking teleporting then you probably suck at using your other abilities too. Which again is something the sunsinger is a little more forgiving of.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread