The state of csgo.

That's not true, I've had toxic team mates giving me shit when I'm top of the team.

Yesterday I joined a match, T side first D2. Pistol round we cleared A site, I managed to get 3 kills (two were assisted) - all 5 of us were still up in a 5v2 with a plant. Then I found out 3 of my team were a premade as they all started being toxic, calling me shit and telling me to fuck off and stuff for no real reason. Still don't understand it, they were just trolls I guess.

They were fucking around all match, I muted my voice chat pretty quick but I still dropped one an M4 when I noticed he was low money later into the game. He threw it away onto the top of CT spawn boxes and ran off with his pistol.

Towards the end of the game, it was about 12-13 or so, I think they realized we were gonna lose so they started try-harding really badly, calling strats in team text chat and so on. They got major butt-hurt when it got to 12-15 and started trying to kick me and the other non-partied guy for 'losing us the match'.

I find it ridiculous how some people will just destroy matches from round 1 and then blame everyone else but themselves when they lose said match.

Also, matches at lower-ranks are designed to be skewed. You'll see a few GN3, a few GNM, maybe an MG1 or whatever on one team. The other team will generally have equivalent or close ranks. That means that the game expects the lower-rank players not to be dropping 30 bombs. They don't deserve toxicity from other players just because they're at 7-1-9 when you're on 19 frags. You might be 5 ranks higher than them, and you might've got a shit ton of kills on anti-eco rounds or whatever.

Just don't be toxic = people not being toxic

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