The state of Terran Republic command chat? Who do you trust?

#bandwagon lol.

Man I usually don't get into redditside, but you're a special case. You're just downright delusional about how the community perceives you.

Ok, #Bangwagon

It's like you're still in denial over all the reasons you were removed from the outfit. Like the time you spent there doesn't exist and all the people that witnessed you suddenly forgot.

In your first week, you were stepping all over the PLs tongues every time they tried to give orders. You constantly second guessed every single decision. Cox specifically told you to stop using platoon voice on several occasions. Then he had to repeatedly tell you to stop interrupting him in teamspeak. After being shut down on all the voice comms, you resorted to 'giving great ideas' in /platoonsay text (who fuckin reads that shit?) You spent more time at the previous base chatting in /p then you did shooting your gun or even being at the same base. 1TR is a fast redeploy outfit, and you couldn't keep up. And yes, when you were a SL you constantly repeated every order that was stated in teamspeak, often speaking to your squad like they were low ranked idiots. A bunch of BR100s being told "Come on! come on! push the point, come on!", like a fuckin' cheerleader.

After only 2 op sessions (4 hours) your constant grating orders were enough to make me mute you. Your constant whining in /platoonsay was enough to make me ignore you. I'm usually pretty tolerant, but you're literally the only person I've ever muted/ignored in my 2+ years of ps2. You were a huge mood killer, and the synergy of 1TR couldn't have been weaker while you were 'in charge'. I never bitched about you officially, but apparently I wasn't the only one to notice your constant chromed mouth. Always screaming WITNESS ME!

There's back seat platoon leading, and then there's this guy that wants to sit on the leader's lap.

/r/EmeraldPS2 Thread Parent