A statement from 4A about the Epic Games Store

Honestly I sorta agree with the devs. Yes, last minute online market changes are sorta snakey, but if you REALLY like Metro, it shouldnt matter to much! It only takes a second to download the Epic Launcher, and it's allowing 4A to grow from their products sales even more than steam could let them, which is something every consumer should want. This means better budget for the next Metro and so on. SO STOP BOYCOTTING BY REVIEW BOMBING THE STEAM RELEASES!!! It's doesn't make any sense! Those metro games on steam are good regardless of what business moves the series takes, and striking them down is only damaging the franchise reputation. Leave those games as they are, and at worst, at least leave the review bombs for Exodus, the release tailored to said business decisions like moving to Epic. You wouldn't review bombs FO2 because FO76 was a flop, so don't do it here. Fight 4A with love not hostility.

/r/metro Thread Link - twitter.com