The Station the City Doesn't Want You To Use

I'm not shy about yelling at the city for their moronic decisions - I still can't believe they thought a street level LRT was a good idea downtown. Ugh. Morons. And they're going to repeat the same mistake with the Valley Line. Complete incompetence.

But directing people towards Bay/Enterprise is absolutely not a moronic decision. The MacEwan station ONLY has trains going one direction (towards health sciences / century park). So anyone who wants to go northside after the game, if they used MacEwan station, would get on the train, ride it 3 stations until Churchill, get off the train and get on a different one going the other direction.

Beyond the annoyance of train hopping for people, that means you're doubling the capacity that the trains need to handle for 3 stations before splitting them into northbound and southbound trains. That's just silly. Add in the lower train frequency the NAIT line can handle and you've got a nightmare situation where it's having to do double the work of a Capital Line station at 1/3rd the frequency.

Walk the 3 blocks to Bay/Enterprise. I've been to a few games and always walked there and I've never had any issue with the trains whatsoever.

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