Statute of limitations on child abuse in Arizona? (Plus some other questions).

Ok, now I get the impression have a gross misunderstanding of what neglect is. Barely providing food is clearly neglect, and I've never heard someone say different. It was barely 1 meal a day during certain stretches, or even no meals. What little food I had was threatened to be taken away for arbitrary/poor reasons. I am fairly certain this is neglect, and is illegal in many places (Arizona perhaps?)? And I am not healthy. I am very much underweight (16.7 BMI). I also brought up the issue of inadequate clothing (including a 2 year period where I did not even have shoes). Sure I am alive. But if being alive is the bare minimum to not be neglected...

You sound like him now...

You don't sound like the best person to ask when it comes to the question of neglect. I can understand the argument that the lawsuit would simply fail, but you didn't simply end it there.

I already explained the difficulties of getting out of the situation (believe me I've been trying, but he has undermined me at every point in various ways). I'm curious to know what I have not tried at this point. Additionally to the reasons I already gave, I do not have a phone or service, which also impedes my ability to get hired.

But besides all that, what in the near future I wanted to sue him just out of principle? Once I have a stable living situation. Or simply press charges? Is there a statute of limitations on this? You still have failed to answer this question. I mostly just want to see justice at this point. You still have failed to provide any info on the laws in my state or some source I could go to.

And also to clarify on something you said in your first comment, I never once used the term emotional abuse (although that would be accurate). I said verbal/Physical abuse. A lot of heavy insulting/berating/belittling and discouragement on the verbal end. A lot of hitting, kicking, and being pinned down and punched in the face on the physical end. As well as various threats (With objects too, including once with a knife). You kind of ignored when I said physical abuse, and instead focused on the case against 'emotional' abuse (A term I never used).

I honestly get the impression you didn't even fully read my post/responses...

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