Staying in ketosis on methadone

Way to go! I'm rooting for you. If you're worried about hormones, I've heard that maca root has the nutrition needed to let your body balance them out, as well as healing damage to your liver. That, and apple cider vinegar "with the mother" will help your body absorb the potassium/magnesium more effiently to stave off the keto flu. As someone who's no stranger to addiction, I'm sure you've heard the idea that "blah blah replace a bad habit with a good one blah blah nature hates a vacuum yada yada" Well! If you had to choose something else to get addicted to, I highly recommend keto cooking. I can't exaggerate the satisfaction of biting into a pork roast you've been smelling from a slow cooker all day long, or how easy it is to make a fat head pizza. Easily as good as heroine

/r/keto Thread