Stealth mechanics are flat and unfinished,they need some work.

There seems to be a detection problem that turn itself on/off. Based on how different feddback has been from player to player.

Personally, it seems like I have been blessed in that aspect, since I had a good time with stealth overall. I did have problems here and there, so I understand your complaint.

Other than that...Valhalla's abilites are just so much fun to use, and those "2 guards side by side" is not really a problem when there are so many ways to deal with them.

Mark Of Death, Sleep Arrow Gas, Synin Distraction, Harpoon Impalament, etc...

There could be another discussion about not liking the Adrenaline system or how essential abilities are optional. I am cool with both, but I can see not everyone liking it.

/r/assassinscreed Thread