Steam accepted my game. The story of how hard it is to develop a game and how some people hate me for what I'm doing! I'm not giving up thanks to the story of the developers of Angry Birds!

Terracosmic is a game where sandbox, survival, strategy and action are uniquely blended to deliver an unrepeatable gaming experience.The randomly generated worlds and dynamically changing environments are as unique as you are!

You can easily find it on Steam just by typing in Terracosmic in the search bar.

How hard it is to release a game?

About 800h spend on coding, modeling and recording sound - easyReleasing it on Steam - mediumAdvertize and fight against haters - hard!

I'm followed by some people who can't afford I make games and spread false information, about that I use assets, or flip them. They join every discussion calling me:

"Asset flipper", "asshole", etc. I'm still reporting them but they keep creating new accounts.

They accuse me of making 3 games before Terracosmic:

- Voxelaxy [Steam]

- Pillage [Steam]

- Rocky Planet [Steam]

They're fully working, without bugs, available, and have their communities.

Do you know that the company that made Angry Birds, had made 51 games before they made Angry Birds?

Yeah, They made 51 games before they made their goal... they were about to close their studio but they haven't given up.

I'm so proud I made 4 games in my life. I made them after 10 years of self-taught programming. I've started when I was 10. Code, models, sounds were made on my own.

And I'm still learning, experimenting. And, what's the most important, moving FORWARD!

Who stays in one place is a looser.

I've successfully released Terracosmic, keep it updating and I'm so proud I can add new content and attract new players.

The story of Angry Birds inspired me to follow my dreams and never give up... even if some of my games were not selling well. But those who didn't do anything productive in their life but hating people will never understand it.

/r/gaming Thread Link -