steel getting some heartwarming fanmail

They sometimes play other games, however since a lot of them are competing for money in fpl, they must play regularly. They very rarely play normal pugs and mm.

Steel tried to go competitive in Overwatch when there was hype around that game but it was balanced too poorly and he didn’t like the ”cartoony” aspect of it.

We started following them because they were skilled and those that suceeded in in other games did that for a reason. Transitioning can work out great but also fail miserably.

Shroud lost some of his fanbase but not a lot since he was so skilled at aiming that he could still show that off in other games. The time when the PUBG servers were down and shroud played a few games of CS his viewer numbers went from 26k~ to 50k almost instantly.

Summit was never a top-tier pro so his fanbase tuned in more for his entertainment value than his skill so he could move to other games.

However, if a streamer has a gimmick that is connected to one game and he moves on to other games, he can lose a lot. DSPStanky was one of the most viewed OW-streamers, known for his unique playstyle and knowledge of the hero Lucio. He got tired of the game and moved on but his viewers went from multiple thousands to a few hundred and we rarely see him anymore. A lot of streamers are afraid of losing their fanbase, which is the main reason JasonR didn’t want to go pro again.

These are also competitors we are talking about and CS is the most viewed competitive fps (note competitive, not most popular).

M0e does what he wants but since he owns a gambling site he probably wants to advertise it by showing off nice skins in-game.

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