Stephen Colbert desperately hoping that Donald Trump will still be in the presidential race by the time he hits the late-night airwaves

Unpopular opinion on reddit here, but if it were between Trump and Shillary, I'd probably vote Trump. I know people might not take him seriously, but the status quo of Hillary is outright embarrassing, and wouldn't change anything in this country. I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter, but I really think Trump isn't as terrible as some people make him out to be if he were president. Bernie, hopefully gets the nomination so it would be a no brainer for me to vote for him.

I simply just hate what Hillary stands for, and this economy hasn't done much in terms of "improving" under Barack Obama. A lot of the numbers including jobs, exports, etc have been highly exaggerating or misleading due to various key metrics being removed or not included in the first place. I know this isn't /r/politics, but simply put, our health care system is still an abysmal mess under Obamacare, our competitiveness in the world is still vastly worse than other nations due to the high taxes on all of our businesses, and many trade agreements that we've made favor other nations more than help ours. I think we need a president that will lower taxes for most citizens, and raise them on the rich, but I also don't think any one candidate has me agreeing with them on how it should be done.

When it comes to world affairs, Trump may be a liability, but if GWB of all idiots can do it, then I'm sure he can as well. There's many points I could make on the negatives vs positives of a Trump presidency, but I'd rather keep that discussion out of /r/television.

tl;dr Trump presidency might sound horrible, but if you really look into his beliefs, it's no worse than what Hillary Clinton would represent as commander in chief.

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