Stephen Hawking Says We Should Really Be Scared Of Capitalism, Not Robots

I get going and i can't shut up - i just want to add one last thing. I don't want to come off as entirely anti-social justice. I'm not.

But I recognize that coallitions for social justice issue(s) tend to occur during economic booms. During economic busts - people tend to turn tribal, we do the exactly opposite of forming coalitions, we tear each other apart.

right now we're sorta-recovered from the recession, but the jobs filled were at much lower pay than what was around pre-recession.

We become more polarized as a people and corner ourselves off into self segregated camps during economic busts. We're also experiencing cultural balkanization and generation gaps in ways we never have before due to the way the internet quarantines off human thought into infinite niches and sub niches. We can't control the net affecting culture - but we can have some control over economic booms and bust.

In order to be effective in defending social justice - you need good economic times. During the 1960s, the US was ONLY just beginning to replace jobs with automation, globalization hadn't fully kicked in yet, unions were strong, minimum wage was high, pay rates were good, taxation on top marginal tax brackets was high, people had good purchasing power.

The man who wasn't college educated who worked a manual labor job held very similar lifestyles to many men who were college educated and worked more white collar jobs. Sure, one was richer than the other - but both had similar rates of divorce, there was a smaller gap in the disparity in how often the manual laborer was imprisoned. The white collar guy over the next 50 years has maintained, if not increased his quality of life but the grand majority of society hasn't (even though that population has shrank in size).

But for everyone else, the wage-gap and financial problems deriving from it have torn their families apart, and their purchasing power has disappeared. You'll notice in the 1960s and early 70s - large strides were made for social justice. Today, these strides are being dismantled. A stable economy, a large middle class is necessary for social justice. Feminism and feminist causes, tend to thrive, for instance, when education rates increase. This of course, only happens during booms.

Successful social justice accomplishments of any consequence are predicated not on ensuring our economy is strong now, but also in the future. When people have financial insecurity - they're not going to be building bridges.

Take this whole concept of "white privilege". It's a very real thing, but try telling that to poor white people struggling to get by. They don't feel privileged in the slightest and driving that issue just drives a wedge between people who share common economic problems. Exploring racial privilege and getting the other side to truly listen requires economic security.

And with the coming effects of automation, that economic security is going to be less certain than ever.

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