Stephen Miller planted anti-Rubio stories in Breitbart during 2016 campaign, leaked emails show

Fun fact: if you're marginally attractive, young, and willing to say exactly what the Koch Brothers/Mercer Familly wants you to do, they will pay your way into a glitzy lifestyle and open up doors to political power for you because there aren't very many young people that want to do it.

Through a friend of a friend, I know someone who is in their mid-to-late 20s who made a quixotic run at a local government position because he lives in a blue county and no other Republican wanted to take the time to run. He got an endorsement from the major local paper because the editorial board is to the right of Mussolini and made some noise as "young rising Republican" before he got wiped in the vote. A few years later and he has conservative organizations flying him around the country to attend leadership conferences, constantly networking with major conservative kingmakers, with basically unlimited options to work for major Republicans in DC or in his home state.

He's not a dumb guy by any means, but he also hasn't done anything spectacular with his life other than declaring himself a Republican and pursuing a career in politics. But there is an infinite amount of money for fellowships, scholarships, and internships if you're young and you're willing to follow the script.

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