Stereotypes in PvP

*Katana users: either edgelords (WATCH OUT FOR FRAYED BLADE) or running R1 spammers.

*Irythill Straight Sword users: casual PvE players who are unsure what you are doing here, but are happy to let their phantoms show you the way out.

*Fallen Knight Set users (only if they use at least three parts of the set): either edgelords or PvErs. Will most likely point down a lot.

*Shield users: would be pathetic cowards, but magic users took this spot already.

*Big weapon users: noobs that must rely on lag and phantom range. Halberd users have it slightly better than ultra greatsword users, and paired ultra greatsword users are the worst even after the nerfs for having poise, lag advantage and being Edgelords.

*Straight Sword Users in general: scum.

*Dexterity Weapon Users in general: scum

*Pyromancers tracking abusers with absurd nukes that can be used on melee range and boring chip damage.

*Sorcerors: boring backpedalers who spam soulmass and chip you while running away until you get too tired they hit you with a Soul Spear from behind a cloud of death and you don't care.

*Clerics: self-healing cheaters who can use the spell equivalent of a greathammer if you get close or shoot with shield-ignoring arrows if you are afar.

/r/darksouls3 Thread