Steve Bannon’s fall appears to delight nearly everyone

Systems of media vs. The People. Nonsensical media is willing. delight nearly everyone. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and nonsensical delight-rage got us the current White House. Hate on crooked Hillary. Now we are swimming in hate on Trump. And the people in our nation continue down the path of wedge hate and the economic divide seems to have wiped up OWS from 2011 onward and all current efforts. Strategic bombing of psychology from the wealth upon the poor continues to advance in technique and quality... pulling the plug on health care, shutting out the American Dream to outside admirers, giving the middle-finger to the struggles of Puerto Rico, letting big drug companies poison our population, and inspire drug lords to fuck over journalists and anyone who challenges them in our neighbor Mexico. We just want to build a privacy wall so we can't see how negative the "delight nearly everyone" society has become who can't keep putting terrible people in charge of businesses and government.

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