Steve Jobs unintentionally outlines the reason behind Apple's future demise

This is garbage. He's comparing apples to oranges. Yes, tech companies need to evolve and redefine, but you can't compare that to a company that makes one product, a beverage, that people like purely based on taste. Coca Cola tried to redefine themselves a lost absurd amounts of money in the 80's with their "new coke" fiasco.

Apple put itself in every household with a great invention, the iPod. It nailed a need that people didn't know they had, but it also wasn't novel. There were far less user-friendly and far larger MP3 players that had iPod level capacity before the iPod.

What Apple did is they refined the tech, made a good user interface, and yes, marketed the fuck out of their version of the apex mp3 player and did in fact monopolize that market. The Zune crashed hard when it came out (microsoft's answer), just as the surface is crashing hard now against the iPad, because microsoft has its head up its ass and is trying to make Apple-level profit margins.

Steve Jobs was a smart cookie, but this bit of insight doesn't seem too impressive to me.

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