Steve sits down with Travis to discuss NA's Worlds performance, what the region's expectations should be, his reflections on Team Liquid's 2021, and what could be in store for 2022

His prediction about China being overrated is dogshit no matter what, simply because he literally doesn't even watch LPL. How can he judge something he has never seen? He's simply lucky it turned out to be right. If a critic praises a movie he never watched in a review, that movie being good doesn't make it a good review.

LS is actually a big clown for doing that shit. If a Redditor talks out of his ass about a team or player he never watched, everyone will immediately flame him and say: Ah, typical Reddit analyst. But LS can literally admit that he doesn't watch an entire region at all, then make some assumption about a player like Doinb who he's seen in seven Bo1s throughout the entire year, and everyone is fine with that. I'll never understand it. You can be right, you can be wrong, but at least make sure you have valid dataset you can base your opinions on.

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