Steven Crowder is a Fraud | Change My Mind

CW: Transphobia, Prescriptivist memes

The "ChangeMyMind" meme which emerged from Crowder's show needs to be repurposed. Currently it is actually wrong ideas and the joke is that the idea is wrong. What it should be is that the idea is correct and the smug prick at the table is arguing in bad faith, or being purposely obtuse.

Currently: "Traps aren't gay, Change My Mind" (reinforces and normalizes alt-right hatespeech, assumes that Crowder's position is usually something a layperson might agree with)

Should be: "Gravity doesn't exist, Change My Mind" (shows Crowder as being moronic, contrarian, and ultimately wrong.)

Not that memes need a Prescriptivist, but the right is using the meme to platform and normalise the sort of shit we all know Crowder is doing.

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