Sticking with RCMP would save taxpayers $520M over next 4 years, Surrey Connect claims

It’s only a straw man if I make up a situation to argue but you literally said the police are uninterested in doing their job, that’s literally what you said. The RCMP are made up of huge group of people spread out over a huge geographical area, are you saying that all RCMP countrywide are uninterested in doing their job. Or could be that your own biases are colouring your judgement? Tell me exactly how they aren’t doing their jobs? Are they not protecting the people you deal with because that’s probably more complicated then you make it out to be.

You said they don’t come when called, what were circumstances for the call, they like all government services have limited resources. Since you seem to n ow exactly what was going on, could you tell me the call volume for that night? Was the call something the cops actually deal with? Was it an emergency? I have feeling that what you called for wasn’t either a police matter or less important than other calls, that’s how our system works.

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