I still don't believe depression is real

Bro I'm in a similar boat and I'm 27. I went to college and did just OK. Graduated with my bachelor's in Economics and went on to have a very disappointing career thus far, filled with contractual jobs, hourly wage, and no benefits. As a matter of fact, I'm coming up on 1yr of unemployment. I'm fucking 27 dude. If you're still only like 22, take my word for it, time flies quickly. You will be my age before you know it and be fucked compared to your friends/family.

Ftr, I've also always had somewhat of an inferiority complex when it came to school. I always needed help learning the hard shit and it wasn't until senior year of HS that I even started to take GT/AP coursework. Just know in your heart&mind that there are a lot of us "average" intelligence folk out there and it's nothing to be ashamed of. You just have to discover your strengths and apply them in your work and life. Just bc you aren't the most socially inclined or top of the class math student, doesn't mean you can't win in life. But of course, nothing comes for free.

For some of us, we have to put in more time and more effort to succeed. If that's our lot in life, we must make the most of it. You can waste time and energy feeling pity on yourself and trying to give up by saying "I'm just not smart enough to do this..." OR you can actually attempt to take something seriously for once and work on it every single day. Self discipline needs to replace talent and natural smarts.

/r/depression Thread