This still exists in 2015

Israel has fought Palestinians for centuries

That's amazing considering Israel was founded in 1947. Before that, it was under British control and called Mandatory Palestine. Britain claimed it after the Ottoman Empire dissolved in the aftermath of World War I. The Ottomans, Muslim Turkic people, controlled the area all the way back to 1516.

Prior to that it was controlled by Egyptian Sultans who had banned Jews (and Christians) from most of the religious areas including the one in OP's video, a ban which was upheld until 1947. That was in 1260.

Prior to that it was a relatively peaceful area under Arab control. Salah ad-Din won control of it during the Crusades from the Christian armies and invited Jews to return and cohabit peacefully, which they did. This takes us back to 1187.

Before that, the area was essentially devoid of Jewish inhabitants for about a century and the area would have been known as Palestine. The Jews were chased out along with Muslims by the Christian Crusaders in 1099.

Preceding that, the area had been under Muslim control going all the way back to 635. Though Jews lived there during this time, they represented a small minority of the population.

Going back even further, we now predate the religion of Islam. Palestinians, if you can call them that, would have been a mix of nomadic Arabs, Persians, and Byzantines, the latter two groups being members of the two Empires who were constantly battling over the land and attempting to claim it for their own. While the Byzantine Empire was Catholic by this time, the Achaemenid Persian Empire would have been Zorastrian or some mix of Mesopotamian polytheism.

Judaism was again all but absent from the area dating as far back as the Jewish-Roman wars of the first century CE. Calling them wars is a bit misleading; the area was decidedly under control of the Roman Empire and the Jewish people were their conquered subjects. These conflicts are better thought of as revolts. The Roman Empire conquered the area in 63 BCE.

Finally, we reach a point in history where the area, known as Judea at this point, could reasonably be recognized as a nation of Israel. In short, that's coming back from 1947 to 63 years before the common era that no such state as Israel could reasonably be described as existing and no government of Jewish control was present anywhere in the world. The Jews were completely in the diaspora for these two millennia.

In 63 BCE, not only is Islam non-existent, Christianity has not been born yet either. The totality of the tree of Abrahamic religions would have consisted of Judaism and it's minor offshoots and denominations at the time. You can recognize this area as what is effectively present-day Palestine or Israel, but the name at that point would only be semantic; the Palestinians and Israelis were one and the same at that point in history.

In conclusion, forgive me if I sound rude, but when I read your statement that "Israel has fought Palestinians for centures," I have to wonder what the hell you are talking about.

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