Still not over her 3.5 years later

My ex left me for the same thing. He tried being friends but I couldn't yet we are still in contact.

After my break up, I learned a lot about myself. I realised there were faults in me too, I worked on them. I can say I am in a better place. I hold no grudge but sadly he won't get to see that because our conversations seems to be just limited to what we are upto every once in a while. I thought he will come back and we'd get back together because I loved him so much and I was willing to grow for us. But ofcourse I wouldn't go out of my way for this.

I wasn't the one who left. So, I don't think it's right for me to all the time to him.

All I am saying is that it's always, if you really love her, then atleast give it another chance. Because you only then you can really know if it's real. Start afresh maybe. No two people remain same after going through heartbreak, I guess.

/r/BreakUps Thread