Still a virgin at 20 because of these lips of mine. Wish I had an innie as everyone seems to desire that except for the few men on here.

You’re very young. You haven’t met most men. You’ve likely met some very superficial, very immature men who’s opinions have been formed by poor examples and terrible ideas about what’s desirable. You’ve met young men, not men. Some day you’ll meet the right man, and he’ll love what you have. Men like natural bodies. Men don’t like butchered bodies. And speaking from personal experience, scar tissue is tough and hard, and does not add to the experience for either of you. You’ll also lose a lot of sensation that you have now. Do not let the cosmetic docs tell you otherwise. They have a motive to sell you a procedure. Don’t you change because of how you believe others perceive you. Perfect as you are.

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