It's still a ways off, but what are you expecting from the upcoming Kayle/Morg rework?

I don't trust them, but I guess you've delivered some hope.

Don't care about the passive too much unless they inevitable create some bullshit where it interacts with her skills. Let it remain innate, no stack storage, no "every x events, this happens", no nonsense. It's cool in ARAM and mid Morgana, but it's irrelevant enough for me to not are.

Her ult being changed drastically is a big deal. Galio became much more usable with the new ult, but it's a ridiculous change. They're currently obsessed with "godmode" bullshit with Aatrox and Swain, so they'll probably make the two gods' ultimates godmodes. I'll throw stones at Riot HQ if they do.

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