Do you still have your SNES Classic preorder processing at Walmart right now?

People who got canceled, were because they placed multiple orders. Walmart did the same things with amiibos when they were hot. You had to use multiple accounts to order multiples.

Flame all you want but thats how i got 20+ of each amiibo back in the day and 11 Classic NESes from walmart (ended up with slightly under 100 from multiple places, which is why i dont get all the crying about how hard it was to get just ONE).

Anyway, i placed enough orders to preorder 31 SNES minis from Walmart. Only 11 survived. EVERY single one that survived, was the only ORDER for said account. Why i emphasize order is i tried multiple methods. Some accounts I ordered 1 with 1 order total–some accounts, i ordered 2, but on the SAME order. These all survived. EVERY order i placed on the same account that had multiple ORDERS were canceled, wether it was 2 orders of 1 or 2 orders of 2 or 2 orders of 1 and 2.

So you could order 2, and not get canceled so long as you placed it within the same order.

They also gave me the same BS payment problems with all the canceled orders, even though I used the same credit card for EVERY order. So it’s just their generic response for uninformed CSRs to tell the general public to get them to shut up and stop crying.

They did the same exact thing with amiibos.

/r/miniSNES Thread