US Stimulus Check Starter Pack

These are really weak arguments.

Most Plumbers and Electricians don't ask for a big part of your paycheck every month to come by once a year

They also don't providing housing. Which is the main expense.

Also, you just called them trades and suddenly suggest a landlord with probably no training or education is more capable than the inhabitants?

I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm suggesting that being a landlord or super isn't a skill-less position.

Also, property obligates. You obviously have to care for it. That's a side effect of owning stuff and being able to continue to own it. My problem lies with the ownership.

Care for and keeping a property functional for dozens of tenets are different things. i.e. Your kitchen is easier to maintain than an industrial one.

The ownership exists either way though, it's either state owned with a landlord or property management group owned with a landlord.

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