That Stings, Riot

This will be sort of rantish, apologies.

How does Riot's game have so many bugs in it? It's truly baffling how as a company, you have ONE GAME to focus on, yet have so many bugs with it during your biggest, and only real international competition the entire year. Sure, you can make the case that it was just one play. But it was one swingy play that slightly affected the outcome of the game.

Then, they act like nothing is wrong, and spit in the face of the players with a little "teehee. a 'sneaky' little bug". I would even feel sympathetic towards them, that they were understaffed and didn't have the resources to fix all of this "spaghetti code", if it weren't for the things they use their resources on. Let's look at two of the major ones.

Player behavior/reformation. This is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard. I play both CS:GO & LoL and yes, you get assholes in your games. But both games have the ability/option to MUTE people. Sure, it is to be used as a last resort, as it is important to communicate with your team to put you at a better chance to win the game. But it is an option. If you mute someone, they're probably not saying anything constructive towards winning the game anyways. But, they let Riot Lyte get back at everyone who ever made fun of him in middle school.

Next up is skins. They release several, generally 3-5 very nice skins with every new patch. If you have the time to make 4 skins every patch, you should have the time and the resources to fix the 'spaghetti code' in your game FOR THE BIGGEST INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION of the year. But unfortunately, the only way to get Riot to do what we want them to do (fix their damn game) would be to stop buying their products, which will never happen.

Oh well, rant over. If we had made it out of groups, we would've gotten SKT, so I doubt we would've made it far, realistically thinking. I think C9 performed the best of any NA team at worlds, and that's something to hang your hat on. Can't wait for next split.

/r/Cloud9 Thread Link -