Stitches out last week, healing well

Actually stitches out the week before last, just realized I miscounted.

Some of the scars are older. There's a slight difference in color between the older scars and the newer ones. Most of my scars are on my left arm though, so these seem to stand out more than usual.

I've gotten stitches a few times before, but this was my first time getting them sober (I've found that my ER visits for stitches have decreased dramatically since getting sober... funny how that works). It was fewer stitches than previous times (partly due to being less severe, partly due to the use of a shit ton of steri strips, and partly due to this doc using fewer stitches spaced further apart, which results in more obvious scarring but at this point it's not like I care).

My anxiety was becoming overwhelming. I ended up following up with my psychiatrist and getting started on yet another anxiety med. I think this one might actually be helping. Funny side note: I was apparently one of three of my psychiatrist's patients to end up in the ER on the day before Thanksgiving. Knowing that made me feel a little less terrible about it.

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