Stop being norwegian, you racist

Good job simplifying the votes of 70 million people (i.e., those who voted for Trump are racist) and creating a bigoted straw man fallacy.

Relative to 2016, Trump gained votes (% of voters) from Black men (19% voted for him), Hispanic men, Hispanic women, and at least men (and possibly women) who are Asian & other ethnicities. The only group of people he lost support in was white males (he also gained slightly with white women). (Source:

Don't confuse classism, politics, and socioeconomic reasoning with racism. Yes, Trump is (probably) racist (I say probably because racism is a subjective experience and I'm not going to pretend I can read his mind). Yes, some racists voted for him for racist reasons but that does not mean white supremacy / neo-Nazism are accepted and prevalent in the U.S. just because tens of millions of people voted for Trump.

/I definitely did not vote for Trump.

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