Stop buying Razer hardware, it wont last 2 months.

This is a very well known issue with razer products, sure they might be (somewhat) good products, theyre unreliable as shit and if you go to their support they are very likely to not help you at all or just flat out lie and say "we've never heard of this issue!" Razer is a half assed gaming company money maker that makes half of its money from stupid people who choose to buy everything from them, because "its razer", I legitimately still question how razer has managed to get away with this for YEARS, this combined with their stupid marketing strategies just makes razer seem like a bunch of stupid idiots, but its probably genius because they know if they release the same new product rebranded as "elite" or "v3" or "pro" or "hyperspeed" or "fuck-me-in-the-ass and call me daddy edition" their stupid fans will buy them

tl;dr razer sucks and frankly I dont know how it still exists

/r/razer Thread