Stop choosing a flank.

Deal with it. In competitive, I get this, but really, tell me this: Does it really, really matter if two people go flanks in casual? Does it? I know people hate the phrase "It's just casual" but really... it's just casual. If you want to play competitively, play competitive. I mean, trust me, I get mad whenever a solo heal Pip goes Catalyst or Acrobatics, or a solo heal Seris goes Agony. But as long as you have a tank and a healer, does it really matter what else is played? All I care about is having fun. I don't care about team comp all that much. One final thing. DOWNVOTE ALL YOU LIKE F!CKERS, I HAVE A RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH AND I WILL USE THAT TO SAY MY OPINION ON THIS MATTER

Whenever there's a goal and two separate people are competing for that goal there's a competition going on.Even if you say a mode is just "casual",there's competition and if there is competition,there is a competitive edge to it.And since it's casual you're trying to have fun,Im sure it's okay for someone to just leave a match and then come back right?

I mean it's just casual bro.And if we go based off the definition of casual,it just isn't that serious and if that's the case,people shouldn't be reported when they play casual matches.If someone is "feeding" the enemy team,since it's casual,it's not that serious.Casual means relaxed,not serious by definition.If they're trolling,its casual bro,AFK,casual bro,committing suicide as a tank,it's just casual bro.I've ran into so many matches where people won't report someone for going afk saying "it's casual bro",and guess what,sometimes the enemy team doesn't care because it is "casual" and the people on my team,our allies,they won't even bother because again,"It's casual bro".

/r/Paladins Thread Parent