OK, but that's not universal. Common, sure, but IMO it can make it hard for people to realize they're trans when we generalize, because not everyone will always have the same experience. Not all trans people experience the same amount of genital related dysphoria, or even any. A trans person who doesn't mind/enjoys their existing genitals is still valid and still trans. My feelings on my own genitals are complicated and vary by the day, but it's probably the least pressing source of dysphoria for me personally compared to my general appearance, birth name, clothing, image, etc. I'd rather have the genitals usually associated with girls, yes, but if I had to choose between presenting as a girl but having a dick forever or having a pussy but having to present as a man forever, I'd choose the former any day. That's a kinda absurd scenario, but in general, I don't really hate my dick per se most days, if anything it's more that I resent it for not being a pussy. I hate what it represents, hate that I could have had something I'd like so much more, but that's not the same as hating the thing itself. Or maybe it is and my feelings aren't as complicated as I think, who knows? I'll figure it out later. I fully recognize that that's not universal either, but I'm not trying to say it is. What I am trying to say is this: I think the fact that my experience of genital related dysphoria is different from what I usually see described, more a sense of loss for what I don't have than a hatred of what I do, made it harder to accept myself as trans, and while that's nobody's fault, I think it'd be helpful not to treat one experience (however common) of being trans as THE trans experience.

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