Stop hating on trading?

Its kind of odd to me, because I've been playing this game since it came out and back in 2017, trading was common and wasn't looked down upon. We'd craft each other guns in public for mats or trade em so we could try out ones we didn't have, or show off rolls etc. And then that Winter when the game went on sale and a ton of BR players got into STW and started trading, it became something people hated. And part of me thinks its just because BR players do it, and STW has a long history of spite for BR. But I do agree it is annoying, and those scammer get scammed videos etc have ruined it.

It just sucks that a once useful part of the game turned into this thing that everyone is supposed to hate and shun. I'm kind of with you OP. If someone wants to trade me, I just say no if I don't want to and move on. People act like its the end of the world. Its just how some people like to play the game.

/r/FORTnITE Thread