Stop Reading That Book

I did not say books are for light-hearted entertainment, but they absolutely can be and are. Leisure is free-time. If you aren't reading for leisure then it is for work or school, right? In that case, it would make sense that a person could have trouble finding pleasure in reading. Obviously don't give up on your textbook, since you need to pass your courses.

There is value in reading books that challenge you intellectually. I also believe reading on its own has value. I would rather someone read 1 book this year than 0, even if it was just an airport thriller. Maybe 50 Shades of Gray is the spark that ignites a person's love of reading and exploration into deeper, richer literature.

My original post was just to say as busy adults with limited free time, why waste it on something that is making you miserable. You don't have to read or enjoy every book gifted or recommended to you.

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