Stop valuing approaching random women on the streets.

Well. 99% of times you're wrong. I have met some people that way. "Cold approach" is a very broad term. There are many ways approsch/engage. Yes confidence is key, but you also have to act natural.

A successful engagement is one that you don't notice it's a pick up. It feels natural, like HOW IT SHOULD. Everything you mentioned takes an approach. Just different scenarios.

Men are just trying to be better at what they do. Woman are also trying to be better at what they do.

That's why woman can't tell what others should do because to be honest, woman are only telling men THEY DONT WANT what to do. But those men who have a harder time in the beggining will have a better higher value woman at the end. So they're going to do what the heck they want to do as they please.

/r/socialskills Thread