Stop Worrying and Love the F-150 Lightning: Ford’s first electric pickup truck signals that decarbonization has entered a new era.

In most cases, buying a new BEV when your old ICEV is still functional is an extremely wasteful practice with far worse consequences for the environment than the often-marginal difference in carbon emissions between the two vehicles.

I disagree. With 100% coal, you’re much better off with an ICEV than a plug-in hybrid considering the consequences of coal reach far beyond just the carbon emissions, which is something that is not often taken within the scope of most studies looking at lifecycle CO2 emissions. As an example, it’s estimated that coal causes 100,000 deaths per 1000 TWh. It’s never a good idea to increase demand on coal electricity generation.

Indeed, nuclear power would be ideal for charging BEVs. Nuclear is, in my opinion, the only way forward but realize that it is currently on the decline globally due to rising costs; in part due to litigation and political activism by technically illiterate environmentalists - often the same ones driving around BEVs.

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