I stopped hanging out with this guy because of his twitter feed.


And here was I, myself a lone scholar, supposing that I had finally encountered a like-minded philosophe, ready to send you promptly by electronic post the latest manuscript of my novelle tres nouveau--a postmodern deconstruction of race, gender, and sexuality told from the perspective of a white man who has been stranded in Japan and forced to take up residence with a dozen young femmes belles)--and just then, my foremost digit hovering expectantly over the trapezoidal forme representing what is commonly referred to, in the vulgar tongue, as an "upvote", only to find, as I neared the end of your otherwise impressive pontification, a most unfortunate faux-pas, a glaring erreur in your façade of eloquence, which, admittedly hesitant as I was to accept this fact, consequently caused me to take your words not as vérité, as my heart so longed to do, but instead as some sort of attempt at humour ironique, some imitation, for no true intellectuel, no true savant, would ever confuse the homonyms their and there in such an ardent confluence! Oh, Benedict Anderson, thou art in our midst!

I am full to the brim with ones such as your ilk are constituted! Decanter, I profess; I don my transgression dispassionate! Undo forsooth only colloquialisms and lexicon, not wherefore in thine categorical imperative have I, as I am wont to do, forberigated optunuously. And I say obstinational! Capacious! Ha! Neologisms and nothing more. How irresplendent, mon ami.

And now I shall make haste, having, I should hope, imposed upon you the proper etiquette of one such as you make yourself out to be. Prevaricate if thou willst! I go, and it is done, oh Juliet! Nymph, in thine Orisons be all my Sins Forgiven.

/r/iamverysmart Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com