So, I stopped playing around September. How are Chronomancers being built/used now?

most T4 fractals that discourage stacking, raids where mechanics require spreading

Couldn't type something worse to show you are simply talking about random b/s. 240 radius vs 360 is not a big difference. If they cannot take your wells means they are ranging for some stupid reason which means they wont get timewarp either.

Also fractals actually courage you to stack as a team, just not on top of each other as almost all includes a form of ranged AoE or break-bar mechanic where it is easier to melee. Only people that don't know how to really play range in fractals and get 0 buffs from each other and take hours to finish fractals.

In raids if you are taking time warp you are laughable. Saying it patches if you fail is like saying you should get vitality gear so you don't die if you fail. Maybe instead learn your rotation? You cannot tell a skill is useful because people fuck up their rotations that are not even hard.

The slow is not more useful than gravity well vs pack of standard mobs. It never will be. You always want to pull mobs together and cc them and gravity well does both at same time for you.

When was the last time you went oh shit i wish i could slow this mob rather than oh shit let's pull them together and kill. Slow is not even a HARD cc.

As i said, you are the one that are trying so hard to find any use for it over others. There is really no use for it except maybe octavines and chak gerent etc. Which is what? less than 1% of PvE content? Yeah, i'd say it is useless if a skill can be used that little.

And i do realize you are not same person but seriously don't take time warp to raids. It just means you are bad and you should feel bad.... spreading out so need time warp...what a joke.

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