I stopped playing League of Legends because of Riot Games' simultaneous complication and oversimplification of the game, and I would like to discuss this with others.

There's nothing that's being played in professional play right now that's bad in solo queue and only good in tournaments. Also, explain how you want this two patch thing to work for me.
Do you want one patch to be tournament only and one patch to be solo queue only? Then how do pros practice mechanics for tournaments if they can't do it in solo queue? It'd be foolish to think that you'd be able to get enough people consistently on a tournament realm to have people just play games and who would you even give access to it?
Do you make it so that tournaments and challenger/diamond are on one patch and everyone else isn't? Then you run into the problem that you can only queue certain elos together, when someone finally hits that elo they have to adapt to a completely new meta, and if they fall out of it then they have to go back to playing a certain way until they get back to where they were.....which then they'd have to readapt to the different patch.
There's literally no way this two patch system could work. So what if certain things get nerfed because they're good at high elo, chances are they deserved it for some reason in the first place.

/r/Games Thread Parent