The story about how almost an entire speedrun community came together to harass the runner of their game at AGDQ

[only related to the Distortion2 part]

I used to like Distortion2, I really did, but I had a really bad experience with him. Maybe I should have stopped watching when he started permabanning anyone who put PJSalt in the chat (though he doesn't do that anymore). But yeah, I got an ad while watching his stream and I asked if anyone else's AdBlock didn't work for that ad. I did not know this was a rude thing to do at the time, let alone rude to bring up AdBlock at all. Anyways, he ends up going on this huuuuge rant about how I should be helping support him while he passively-aggressively shit talks me. At first I thought he was joking so I bantered around with him but he started getting worse and worse. At this point I apologized in chat, 99% sure he acknowledged it but I don't remember, I know at least one of the mods did since I started PMing them with genuine concern that my AdBlock comment was rude. I was still a bit confused until he started seriously calling me an idiot, telling me I'm stupid, that I must be trolling.

What I'm trying to get at here is that my experience with Distortion2/dist was showing how self-righteous he is and that if you're not sucking up to him he immediately thinks you're against him.

I used a sub emote (won't say who but it shouldn't be hard to guess lol) at one point too and he started calling me retarded because I subbed to them. Honestly I shouldn't have humored him with anything else after he first started ranting.

But hey I don't need to sub to Dist for his emotes when he already has BabyRage and PJSalt.

/r/LivestreamFail Thread