Story: Kid was throwing rocks at car the managers friend told him and this happened

I agree completely. It sucks I had to sort by controversial to see this. The kid was an absolute shit who needs serious help. However, it really was barely self defense. If the kid had a weapon? Knock him out for sure, do whatever you have to do. But judging by the guys ability to take those kids weak punches without flinching, he was barely in any harm at all. The kid didn't show much sign of putting him in any real danger. And judging by the guys ability to one handed grab him and shove him to the ground with what looked like barely any effort, he could have easily just hugged and squeezed him with the kid's arms to the side and sweep his legs slowly to get him in a seated position on the ground. Or something to that effect to immobilize him. Then, wait for him to calm down, or have someone call the police to handle it.

Reddit loves to have a justice boner for shitty kids, and I agree with everyone in this thread with how shitty that kid is, but that really wasn't the right way to handle it at all. And I really don't recommend anyone learning from this video or thinking this video is okay. It's just not a good idea.

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