Story of my life. 20 M, India

Stop indenting the beginning of your paragraphs, that's markdown for a code block.

First of all, nah man, what you're going through is not a small issue. There's so much going on there. It must be hard to be out on your own, just the two of you, that takes a lot of strength. No family needs a sleazy, cheating member. Family is about trust and support. I'm sorry for how things have turned out to be but you seem to be a smart, young man and yes, there's going to be some bad days but you'll get through them. Take care of yourself and take care of your mom. Don't go looking for trouble, remember, your mom needs you. Let things settle down and just keep your head down and be the person you want to be. If your angers is still there a few years down the line, then you can start planning to make sure you're picking a fight you have no chance of losing. Take care of yourself.

/r/depression Thread