Straight couples of Reddit who handles the bills and keeps track of appointments in your relationship?

The funny thing is that I added the with his encouragement statement so that the first comment wouldn't be about how I'm a controlling crazy face... I am always surprised by the comments that take the small snippet of information that I have shared and make wild conclusions about the health of myself and my relationships. I am sorry to vent on this comment but I blocked another user yesterday for DMing me to discuss my "obvious mental health issues." His demonstrating "that he can't handle money" was a credit card when he was just out of high school that he properly addressed and should have been off of his credit report eight years ago due to the seven year drop off of settled debt. It wasn't until we went to buy a house that it came back that the collection agencies attorney had never filed a certificate of satisfaction with the court and the issue had lingered through no fault of his own. He has worked very hard to get into school and maintain a full time job while attending.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent