Straight Talk for College Women

But the state of your clothing doesn't change anything about that situation whether he's a decent guy or a guy who'll push through a "no"...

I mentioned elsewhere in this thread that I very much dislike the author's anti-sex social conservative slant, but at the same time I don't disagree with the "she's accusing all men of being rapists!" Indeed, since the only people here I see making that point are women, methinks I smell a concern troll.

Let me be as clear as I can: a woman deciding she doesn't want to make out or partially strip for me doesn't make me feel like I'm being treated like a potential rapist. Being herded into an auditorium with every other man visible to watch an indoctrination film with Sexy the Bear saying "men, only you can prevent rape" makes me feel like I'm being treated like a potential rapist.

I did, however, want to isolate your point that I quoted. The problem with consent isn't just a problem with men not taking no for an answer. The problem with consent is also women not saying no when they mean no, and not saying yes when they mean yes. Whether we like it or not, my impression and, to a certain extent my experience, is that most sexual encounters feature non-verbal negotiations of consent. We can rail about that and lament about it....but it won't change the facts on the ground.

If one is really serious about changing the state of affairs by educating people about consent, an important early step is understanding that we don't need to teach men about consent. we need to teach women and men about consent.

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