Strange indeed

Normal men do *not talk about abusing women in locker rooms. Locker room talk is centered around making the speaker look good, in the puerile calculation of still developing brains and social intelligences.

Saying "Yeah, so I held backed her in to a wall, and she was saying No, practically begging, ha ha. I had her skirt up so fast she was confused." Will make you look like the twisted, sick fuck that you are, and impress no one. You will get called out and shunned at the very least.

Instead, in a locker room, every conquest is willing. There is some slut-shaming, and that's to boost fragile male egos and titillate them. But only sick abusers talk about abusing women, and every straight-up guy knows that, even as a teen.

Anyone who tells you that talk of abuse is common in a locker room is lying, and probably an abuser himself.

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