The Strange Meta of Losing on Purpose

Iif a person's so checked out on the battles that they're putting out shitpost teams, they're not "trying to win" under any circumstances, even if they think the other person's frozen. Everything suggests you're under the impression you're having some profound impact on the people who play you like this, when in reality the most reaction there's probably been is a "lmao k then" or something to that effect, while the person taps their phone a couple of times. Most likely they're doing it absent-mindedly while watching TV or whatever else. Noone's gonna come away from 'battles' like these thinking "wow maybe I should try harder"; it's a safe bet none of them are gonna think about it at all.

But hey, by all means, keep putting your phone down for half a minute at a time in order to make it more fun for yourself. Definitely sounds like the most enjoyable way to play.

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread Parent