Strangest invite you’ve ever gotten?

Nothing exotic, but something pretty recent that I'm still processing. After being frustrated by some driver in the pouring rain almost hitting me with her car, I made that clear by gesticulating some form of what the hell. She saw me later that evening on a three-mile, now sunny walk to my friend's place and pulled over and told me her name and the name of some college girls with her in the car. I never felt more hit on in my life with her flirting and her later telling me that my anger with her previously was "hot" and invited me to join them for a drive. If my phone wasn't dead, and I wasn't in a foreign town, I likely would have said yes. I was in a state of general apathy at the time and just joked asking her just how drunk she was, before saying I am good and waving her goodbye. She lingered for a little bit before doing a u-turn and waving me goodbye as well.

It could have been a fun night maybe, but it's weird as a guy experiencing such flipped gender roles. I wasn't even flattered after the fact. I'm not a paranoid person, but I still wonder if it was some sort of trap I was completely oblivious to.

/r/redscarepod Thread