I streamed myself going into games, asking for Abusive Chat reports without breaking any rules. Just after an hour of streaming, I was silenced automatically in Overwatch. Thus proving the system is automated and abusable.

Are people just missing the point of this for shits and gigs? Let me give this to you the easiest way possible, you can be silenced in Overwatch simply by being reported.

I don't see why this whole "Of course it's automated" has come out of nowhere. As u/GotUsRaro has pointed out there are many other ways you could do this, for instance a blacklist system where if that word has been said in chat then he will be silenced.

I feel like nobody is getting the real point here that this system is here, a lot of people are report happy (Well atleast we said that when the Fuey500 situation happened), and there is no moderation for this.

I want an automatic system in place but not this one. It's quite easy for a system to detect certain words and if they are used then it's silenced, Blizzard Customer Support even says that it doesn't matter the context, if you say it then you can be silenced.

/r/Overwatch Thread Link - youtube.com